Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I just sometimes rant to myself... but very dark and evil thoughts? Like I'm not me anymore!? Help!?

I don't know why, but I keep whispering to myself sometimes, just ranting out all these bad and negative things about myself and about others. And I try to stop myself, but it's like I WANT it to continue, even though I know it's wrong. These words come out randomly from my mind, and I have no idea where they pop from. It's exactly like a speech, without the memorization...

I sometimes have these urges to be 'bad' as well. I don't want these thoughts, but I just... I just sometimes feel like I WANT to.

I don't know if I have to tell this to someone. Do others feel like this? What IS this?



And please... no God talk and 'dude, are you taking drugs' talk, please...I just sometimes rant to myself... but very dark and evil thoughts? Like I'm not me anymore!? Help!?
I've done that before, too. And the answer isn't as simple as ';just try and think positively.'; People make it sound so easy. The best thing to do is get some help. You can talk it out with friends, or go to a school counselor who can get you access to a therapist, who will help you train your brain to think differently.

Oh, and the school counselor bit was assuming you're in school. If not, go to a doctor, who will refer you to a therapist.
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  • I just sometimes rant to myself... but very dark and evil thoughts? Like I'm not me anymore!? Help!?

    I don't know why, but I keep whispering to myself sometimes, just ranting out all these bad and negative things about myself and about others. And I try to stop myself, but it's like I WANT it to continue, even though I know it's wrong. These words come out randomly from my mind, and I have no idea where they pop from. It's exactly like a speech, without the memorization...

    I sometimes have these urges to be 'bad' as well. I don't want these thoughts, but I just... I just sometimes feel like I WANT to.

    I don't know if I have to tell this to someone. Do others feel like this? What IS this?

    Thanks...I just sometimes rant to myself... but very dark and evil thoughts? Like I'm not me anymore!? Help!?
    Extreme emotions can be part of being a teenager. But then, if you have additional symptoms there could be something more to it.

    Do you have other symptoms also?

    Is there time that passes, that you cannot explain where you were or what you were doing?

    Do you easily lose your car in a parking lot?

    Do some people talk to you as if they know you, but you have no idea who they are?

    Do they speak of things you've said or done - and you have no memory of it?

    Do you find that you've spent money - and can't account for it?

    Are you finding clothing in your closet that isn't yours?

    Are you known for distinct moods or opinion differences that seem in conflict?

    Have you had an invisible friend, growing up?

    Are you having times that you ';zone-out';?

    Sometimes to you have problems accessing the part of you that does math or writing or music....and need to be in a certain mood to access your ability to do it?

    Do friends or family have nick-names for your moods?

    Do you sometimes spend time thinking you're a younger or older age?

    IF you have answered yes to some of these questions, I would suggest you seek out a psychologist or go to Mental (/or Behavioral) Health. Ask to speak with someone with experience in Dissociative Disorders.

    Thoughts on Dog the Bounty Hunter Chapman's rant?

    Dog was recorded in a private phone coversation with his son. In essence he tells his son that if he wants to work at the office, he has to disassociate hismelf from his black girlfriend. He says that it's not because he dislikes black people, but because everyone uses the N-word around the office - and he is scared that she will hear them or tape it and perhaps send it to the Enquirer. Dog doesn't want to risk throwing away his career over this (which ironically may be exactly what happened).

    Dog uses the racial slur throughout the conversation.

    What is the appropriate response of A%26amp;E? Does Dog's status as a public figure factor or the ';good guy'; character he portrays place him under more scrutiny? Should the fact that this was a private conversation (perhaps unlawfully recorded) factor in? Does his use of the N-word make him a bad person or merely insensitive?

    Audio available at:

    http://www.nationalenquirer.com/2007/pop鈥?/a>Thoughts on Dog the Bounty Hunter Chapman's rant?
    Dog was convicted in the murder of a black man back in 1977. He is the one person who should not be using hatred towards this group of people.

    He has not changed his criminal ways. I don't plan to watch his show, or believe his bull. He has no business arresting fugitives when he has admitted he was drunk, and high on crack some of the time he was bounty hunting, back in the mid 1990's.Thoughts on Dog the Bounty Hunter Chapman's rant?
    it may have been obtained illegally but we heard who the man really is, a, racist pig and it should hurt his reputation cause he isn't close to what he portrays himself to be, a God loving good guy and family man( family if your white that is) I'm curious to what his line of defense will be, hes gonna have to come up with a good one fast, he will probably say it was all taken out of context. . We've realized we do not know who this guy is at all, only what he lead us to believe and its all been a load of sh*t, it also makes me wonder who Beth really is too, supposingly they're sooo much alike. We know one thing for sure,'; Dog'; is a good name for him, hes two faced, a liar, a racist f*cking pig,and bald with bad hair extensions.
    Freedom of Speech is still a part of the American Constitution, although there is a ';politically correct'; crowd that tries to dictate correct speech. In addition, the comment was made in a private conversation. Tape recording a telephone conversation without permission is illegal in many, if not most, parts of the country.

    I was a freedom rider in the 60's and have many black friends. We use the word ****** among ourselves regularly in jest, but if one of our private conversations got released, I would be the one blasted because I am not black.

    Since 1999 I have headed up a group that deals with abuse of children...ALL children regardless of color or ethnicity...in our schools. I met with one of Al Sharpton's designees in 2003 to get support. He wasn't interested. For him to get involved it has to be in the headlines.

    Same thing with California elected officials Richard Alarcon, Cruz Bustemante, Carol Liu, Jack Scott, Wendy Gruel (all of whom I met with personally) and Kevin McCarthy, LA Mayor Villaraegosa, Congresswoman Maxine Waters and others who ignore illegal activities in schools for political reasons. Who do you think is more obscene?
    Dog's disgusting, Here is a picture of his nice looking son that was the victim of his rant

    I first heard the short version and just now got to hear the long version of this phone conversation between Tucker and Mr. Chapman.

    I hear a Father disciplining a son whose girlfriend was making threats and stirring up problems between the family members.

    Every family has at one time or another gotten on to their children who were hanging around people who were a bad influence.

    It is extremely obvious Mr. Chapman was very correct in his assessment of the whole situation concerning his son Tucker and his girlfriend.

    While Mr. Chapman is talking to his son the very son whose is recording this conversation is lying to his Dad on this tape about his girlfriends intentions.


    Shame on A%26amp;E, Black leaders for getting involved and promotion a rebellious son.
    I forgive dog. Look how many things and times dog has helped others and told them while showing them how to get better. People only care about this cause he is famous. You dont see anyone unfamous recording private conversations then selling them and media making a big issue. Compare what he has done for hundreds and risked his own life and family to save other peoples lives and families. If he does not get back on the tv, there will be no A%26amp;E in this house or my families ever again. I emailed A%26amp;E about that too. It just makes me upset how funny people react. They dont care until something bad happens and want to be with the in crowd bad mouthing till he is does something right and then people change minds and go o dog is great he helps so much.

    people have thier opinions on thier views and everyone is entitled to it. maybe he does not speak that way in front of his kids. On his shows i know he is an actor but is very respectable but everyone has their own lifestyle so maybe people should be more worried on other things like their own issues and families and just forgive dog. but not to offend anyone but even though some see it right and wrong but its strange and definate a racial issue when we see black people saying N word to each other and yet when white say it all hell break lose but still its just like black see it one way and white another. So if you people against Dog then change the channel and dont complain about it. You have a right to watch wat you want and he has a right to say wat he wants. If he is pulled then i guess that all rap is gone that means bye nelly, eminem, fifty cent, twista, huey, snoop, tupac, g-unit, dre, fat joe, ja, biggie, method man, diddy...wow thats millions of dollars that could used to make the world better. Seems its matter of what you want to watch and listen to but nobody forces you to watch or listen to what you dont want to hear. Guess its just how your raised and how you feel. And i cant say much cause people would be offended but think how you were raised. I was raised like Dog around learning about black people and what the N word is and intended for and ya just cause i would side with dog does not say that i dont like any blacks and matter fact i got like 2 black friends but they dont act black. But its how you grew up, what your family is accustomed to and what your beliefs are and its not illegal to have your own PERSONAL conversation untill it is secretly taped then its invasion of privacy.
    I would be interested in how exactly A%26amp;E was able to drop the show. But that has to do with legal contracts and whether there was a conduct clause involved. Just curious.

    Thoughts on the privacy issue. His son was out to make some money. Could've been his idea, could've been his girlfriend...either way takes a slick, conniving, manipulating little @#$^@#$ to actually pull it on a parent; regardless if that parent is amazing or lousy. But it is legal to record a conversation from your own phone, no different than taking a picture or video of someone in public; as long as the phone wasn't tapped without knowlege (Tucker knew).

    Here is a pat on the head for Tucker. He'll need it considering what he has to look forward to. Alienating your family is a mistake that is so easily made and not so easy to fix. (And no, I'm not speaking from ';broken home'; status).

    As to the ';en'; word? Couldn't care less. Definitely didn't when I first heard it on the news. Pretty much ignored the subject. I'm the type of person that will find someone who is so tightly wound up about the ';en'; word that I'll find a way to use the word niggard, or ********* in context just to hear the shocked silence (look up the words prior to commentary please). How many of you had to look that one up?

    Once I heard it was his son I couldn't resist a comment though. Only the people you are close to can crap on you so hard.

    I wonder how long the girlfriend will stick around after all the publicity? Will there be reconciliation between family? friends? girlfriend? Dog's minister?--(on CNN how great was that?--bet he got a new robe out of the deal) A%26amp;E? the public?... Feels like a cliffhanger soap opera.

    By the way, liked the commentary by CLD. Sounds plausible... I know lots of people who will only do things for their betterment (money, prestige, power).

    Smiles everyone, the planet isn't dying, just the biosphere with us in it...have a nice day.
    I don't care, and I'm black. Wasn't it a private conversation? There are many worse things than a word that upset people, and anybody who will let the use of one word (which is used in society frequently enough) offend them so much, then they have no lives.

    A Rant of sorts: What are your thoughts on this sort of music?

    This 'artist' called Candace Marie used to be a model but a record label realized she could sing so gave her a deal.

    In just TWO days she went to a LA studio (with big-time producer John Shanks) and recorded eleven songs which made up her entire record in just TWO days.

    She had zero creative input and saw the songs, literally, an hour before she recorded them and picked up a big pay cheque.

    So what do you think of this cheap kind of music?

    Would you buy it? Because somebody is.

    : (A Rant of sorts: What are your thoughts on this sort of music?
    I think it sux balls to be honest, but it doesnt surprise me record labels just wont take chances anymore they want to make big bucks and they arnt willing to gamble, for instance look at all the programs like pop idol americas idol wotever is going where you are from , these are testers to see will this music or person sell that simple, but it doesnt stop stupid ppl from watchin voting etc....

    There are great musicians and artists out there that simply wont get a chance because of the sheep like behaviour of ppl and the fact they are letting the record labels and media tell them wot to wear buy eat sleep and $hit,ppl have stopped thinking for themselves and big business is taking an advantage of this.A Rant of sorts: What are your thoughts on this sort of music?
    Nah, it's people like that, that have no real passion or creativity in 'their'; music that makes it suck.

    Which is why I thank my mom for giving me a Monkees cd when I was younger.
    True that i went on itunes and listened to it... pretty sure that was cool in like 2001 now it just sounds cheap!
    %26gt;:\ I wouldn't be the one buying 'em. I follow the demographic of 45-60 year old men.
    Doesn't sound like music to me...

    ? & a bit of a rant. find ';answers'; to be good way to see what's on peoples minds , pick up & share thoughts

    Been lots of questions about religion ,culture,politics that just go round %26amp; round. Some of the inquiries %26amp; answers are intelligent %26amp; thoughtful .Sorry to see so many responses which do nothing more than fan the flames. Really tired of the unthinking intolerant types who think their God or political party is the only way to go .

    Have my own opinions on these things of course but have never tried to ram them down anyone elses throat.

    Check your facts before you condemn someone elses beliefs.

    You just may have holes in your own socks.

    Explore history,try to figure out why the same mistakes are made over %26amp; over again. It's all there, why not learn from it, why relive the pain?

    Rant almost over.

    I have found after 60 years on the planet , (that) the only thing that

    can be universally accepted by open minds .......is to DO NO HARM.? %26amp; a bit of a rant. find ';answers'; to be good way to see what's on peoples minds , pick up %26amp; share thoughts
    I raise my hand and say amen to that? %26amp; a bit of a rant. find ';answers'; to be good way to see what's on peoples minds , pick up %26amp; share thoughts
    um you think to much
    well said.
    ....thanks for the rant...and the openmindedness to believe that everone is entitled to their own opinion...i also love knowledge...it is power...but some folks would rather keep the holes in their socks (ha-ha)...peace.


    Opinions and beliefs are interesting.

    Love yahoo answers!!


    No harm, even better, love and peace.

    VMA's??!! Russel Brand's rant on the Jonas Brothers....your thoughts?

    i happen to like the Jonas Brothers and i thought that this years host for the VMA's went to a little to far insulting them.

    anyone else think the same?VMA's??!! Russel Brand's rant on the Jonas Brothers....your thoughts?
    I agree I think that the Jonas Brothers are smart and sweet for their beliefs and think that that british guy was just jealous of them most guys wouldn't wear the rings especially celebs they had guts and got their night crushed I hate that british guy he is just gay and sad that he can't have them VMA's??!! Russel Brand's rant on the Jonas Brothers....your thoughts?
    I agree, even though I have no great respect for the Jonas Brothers. Russell Brand is basically a lowlife, vulgar piece of trash, which is exactly why MTV chose him.

    How nice of MTV to teach impressionable teenagers who watch the VMA's that it's ok to call the president ';retarded';, mock those who choose to wait until marriage to have sex, and accuse the British Royal family of incest.
    I agree. He was an asshole. If he was going to make fun of celebs, fine but pick a FEW to make fun of. The WHOLE time, he ONLY made fun of the Jonas Brothers...and Bush.

    He was a jerk, end of story. No other way to put it.
    I like the Jonas Brothers but Russel's statements were 100% true. He was hilarious!
    I thought is was hilarious! I loved Russell! I hope he hosts again next year.
    i mean...the jonas brothers said themselves that they thought russel brand was funny- so if they didnt take offense to it- i dont think we should either.
    I agree! It was wayyy to far what that Russel Brand did!You should she they JoBro faces! But Jordin Sparks gave them the push they needed! and im proud of her for that :)
    uhh nope. I don't think they belonged at the VMA's in the first place. They are disney channel stars.
    noo i thought it was funny
    not really it was funny thow

    Question for Muslims; What are your thoughts about Ben Laden's latest rant?

    no litrate and sensible, and modern muslim supports binladen, he is as much a terrorist for us as it is for anyone else in the west.Question for Muslims; What are your thoughts about Ben Laden's latest rant?
    noQuestion for Muslims; What are your thoughts about Ben Laden's latest rant?
    It's a load of b*llocks the guy is dead.
    I think he should be tied to a stake and burned alive!!!
    Osama Bin Laden does not represent Islam or Prophet Muhammed. He represents only terrorist and convinces the uneducated in the Muslim world that he will get them Justice. When people like him and Bush are creating a very unstable world. Osama leads uneducated extremists while Bush leads greedy business people both are equally corrupt!
    That's messed up man. You can't blame the whole group the terrorists are only 1%. That's the same ignorance when people blame all preist because 1% are sickos. Or Blaming all Christians for abortion clinic bombings.

    Muslims don't like terrorism anymore than we do. They were vistims of these sick people that use God's word to kill just like us.
    I'm Muslim I don't know anything about bin laden what is his latest rant?

    you should ask Americans they care about these stuff they probably have some thoughts about the subject.
    Bin Laden probably died in Tora Bora 3 years ago.

    The latest video was a fake and a miserable one at that. I would guess they will have to quickly produce another one in the basements of Langley.

    He will be used as a bogey man to prepare the nation for the next invasion into some resource/oil rich Muslim country.

    After this the best place to ';take over'; for petroleum/mineral resources will be the horn of Africa, so we will see some bogey man over there when the time comes.

    I'm Muslim and I think Bin Laden is a complete jacka**...I mean he thinks he can organize some terrorists and kill innocent people in the name of God and say it's Jihad and a whole bunch of other crap? That's just ridiculous. Muslims do not justify his actions in any way whatsoever. Anyway, concerning Bin Laden's latest video, I think he's just trying to intimidate America with this just because Sept. 11th is soon.
    Or the fact that Islamic Jihad Palestinians are daily sending rockets into Southern Isreal after they said if they left the Gaza stripe they would quite? today 25 were wounded by one of these rockets.

    So giving them what they ask for doesn't work.

    If we all converted would they stop fighting? Well hasn't sunni and Shiite both converted? What about Hamas are they not converts? Aside from being murders and liars they are not trust worthy and are probably planning another attack and will continue to do so until they are really stoppped.
    My opinion is that we need to not give him the satisfaction he is seeking through this attempt to impose his insanity on us. It would be really cool if the press would not show one word of his videos. He is just using them to get to us to try and influence our politics.

    Ooops...I'm not a muslim... :-\ I shouldn't have answered.
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